What are Header Tags and Their Impact on SEO?

Like any other search engine optimisation (SEO) technique, header tags are effective and their proper use has a great impact on-site rank. No one can negate the performance and impact of head tags on SEO and users. These tags make the content more appealing to users, and the search engines understand it better. Headers are also a place for keywords and sub-keywords to play a key role in SEO. If you are not exactly familiar with the concept of SEO, we recommend reading the comprehensive SEO story. If you want to become a professional, you should not overlook the power of headings. Below is an overview of header tags and their impact on SEO.

Header Tags Basics

Header tags, as the name implies, are in fact titles of textual content. The most important of these is the H1 header tag and it is used as the main headline of a post. Header tags have hierarchies H1 to H6. In general, there are two ways to structure a site’s content using header tags. The first and most common method is to create one H1 tag per page as header and possibly several H2 header tags and other subset tags in the text. In HTML version 5, each section starts with an H1 tag. This is designed to make it easy to combine several components into one page.

Header Tags Enhances Content Readability and Accessibility

The proper use of HTML header tags helps enhance the experience of your readers, improves your content’s readability and accessibility, plus it can even have an impact on your SEO. So, make sure to add HTML header tags to your content. As you can see from our blog, we use them all the time. However, remember to follow best practices for maximum effect.

Header Tags Create Structure

Header tags create structure in the content of an article’s text. Each header or header transmits information about the content of the following paragraphs to the user. A great way to understand headers is to compare them with a book’s table of contents: The H1 tag describes the overall position of the content, as the book title tells the viewer what the book is about. The H2 tags are, in fact, as the main headings of a book and describe the individual parts of a story. Other headers from H3 to H6 are other headings for the subsections of each section, such as a book whose main headings are divided into several sections.

Header Tags Can Block Text

Content that can be scanned at a glance is legible and has a high chance of being ranked in the top search results. Scanning a page with an eye is so important that a publisher like Forbes has identified this factor as the least underestimated factor in content marketing. The data collected to support this claim. Only 16 percent of Internet users read a text word for word. Other users only do eye-scanning.

Users love scanning content. According to the same study, what can be scanned by users is 58 percent more performance than similar content. In such circumstances, users will be more interested in reading the content rather than returning to the search results. As a result, they are more likely to share it with their friends. While social networks do not have a direct impact on site rankings, the more content you share, the more natural backlinks you will be able to get, and as you know, backlinks are one of the influential factors in ranking.